2009 Summer Camp Shanghai - Photo Above
For the past decade, we have been watching children play, learn and grow. It has been a fun and wild ride and we couldn’t have done it without the amazing support of parents and staff! We are truly blessed to work with our talented teachers, assistants and support staff members, who create a fun and enjoyable experience for our many students. We also wouldn’t be where we are if it were not for the parents who believed in our program and what we are doing here in China. We sincerely thank you all!!

Our first classroom. September 2010

One of our first students, Hamburger. He later changed his name to Nick.
Looking back, it’s crazy to think that 10 years have already gone by since we started with one student in one classroom in one city. We have grown and changed over the years, but always for the better.

Principal Jojo promoting our program, Fall 2010.

Our Bee Family adding more centres since 2016 to present.

Our Bee Team growing over the years. We wouldn't be where we are today without these amazing individuals all working together.

Official recognition from the Education Bureau, we were so honoured. Pictured here with our Managing Partners, Ivy (right) and Lily (middle).
Looking ahead, we hope that our program continues to provide a fun, safe and active learning experience for each and every student at Busy Bee. We are excited to see what lies ahead in our wonderful journey and anticipate more smiles, laughter and fun!

What better way to celebrate our 10-year anniversary than to look back at our fantastic memories!

Come and see the buzz! Only at Busy Bee!
Have a BEE-utiful day!