When summer rolls around, it’s so easy to get caught up in giving your kids yummysummer treats like ice-cream and frozen yogurt. However, with the high sugarcontent in most sweets, perhaps it’s time to rethink food choices. Read on forsome healthy alternatives to curb the sugar cravings while still being healthyand tasty!

Healthy Smoothies
A great way to cool down this summer is to make your own smoothies! Grab yourblender and get creative! You can even sneak in some greens (think cucumber,kale, spinach) for those extra vitamins! Blend in fresh fruit and combine withwater instead of sugary yogurt or dairy, and sip the summer away! Pro Tip:adding fresh mint or basil will make your smoothie taste even fresher!
Fruit Ice Cubes
We love adding fresh fruit when making ice cubes! Firstly, it makes any drink lookbetter and secondly, it adds great flavour to your water! When the ice melts,you can even get a nice fruity treat at the end. Plus, your kids will lovehelping to make these cool looking cubes! Healthy, refreshing and fun to make!
Fruit Ice Bars
How about a nice healthy popsicle? You can easily make your own by blending waterand real fruit into a smooth liquid and freezing it in popsicle molds. Thisway, you can control what goes into your children’s popsicles!
Fruit Skewers
Finally, fruit skewers are simple and healthy! Cut up your favourite fruits and pop themonto long skewers. These make for easy snacks and fun arrangements! We like touse cantaloupe, strawberries and grapes – yum!
These healthy treats are sure to cool down those hot summer days! Enjoy!
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