The title certainly sounds easier to say than to do at times. We have all been there – wishing our “mini-me”s would listen and do what we so kindly ask of them. Sit down, don’t touch that, please be quiet – all said with love, of course.
They say patience is a virtue, and it sure is! Being patient especially with young learners can be trying, but hopefully these tips will help with practicing your patience!
Patience Tip #1: Set the Example
Most times we find ourselves waiting for things or waiting in lines. While doing so, it is important to set a good example and not exhibit behaviour that would show we do not like to wait for things such as rolling our eyes or sighing heavily. By setting a good example, we can show our little ones that waiting is part of life and we can all be relaxed and patient while doing so. Stay calm and move on.

Patience Tip #2: Play Games
Yes, you read that right. Play some games to teach patience. In this fast-paced age of instant gratification and touch-screen technology, why not pull out a fun board game instead where everyone takes turns. These kinds of games are fun and also instill a sense of patience and respect for every player.
Patience Tip #3: Arts and Crafts Projects
We love art. Not only because we can express ourselves creatively, but also because art projects take time to do. They teach patience and also concentration as well, which helps children learn to take their time when creating something great.

Patience Tip #4: Coping Skills
Another great way to help with waiting and learning to be patient is to teach coping skills. While waiting in line, you can invent fun verbal games to play or ask fun questions like, “What’s your favourite animal?” This definitely helps with passing the time while waiting in line.
Patience Tip #5: Use a Timer
Since children do not initially have a sense of time, you can incorporate timers when doing different activities. For example, if your child is asking to do another activity yet you are busy with something else, you can simply say that you will do the activity they want to do after two minutes while you finish up. You can tell them that the timer has started and have them either do something else while they wait or help you until you are ready.

We hope these tips come in handy while you practice patience and set a great example!
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